The High Cost of Ignoring Your Mental Health, And My Huge Regret
Ignoring your mental health is one of the most dangerous gambits anyone can make. Here’s my personal plea to take...
Do You Hate Social Media Because You Can’t Celebrate Others?
Is it the technology or is it the person using it? Here’s why I think people who hate social media...
Delving into the Surprising Depth of Modern Disney Films
We’re finally beyond kissing sleeping people, unrealistic expectations, and Stockholm Syndrome – here’s the surprising depth of modern Disney films....
Oppenheimer’s Most Poignant Scene Isn’t About Science
Trigger warning for mental health/suicide, and moderate spoilers. Nolan is one of my favourite directors and he didn’t pull any...
7 Reasons You Should Consider Dating A Friend
Bishop Jeremy Taylor beautifully said, “Love is friendship set on fire”. Here are 7 reasons I think you should consider...
Shifting Priorities Without Losing Them – 2022 In Review
This year’s main challenge for me has been trying to carry shifting priorities… without losing any of them. Please join...
How The Fear Of Rejection Leads To More Rejection
Are you saying no before someone else has the chance to? Here’s how the fear of rejection leads to more...
You and I Know A Lot Of Great People
You and I know a lot of great people. And we can help empower them to become who they were...
Most People Stop Making Friends As They Get Older
It ruins dating prospects, it kills marriages and families, and destroys mental health – most people stop making friends as...
7 Ways The Current Generation Isn’t Worse Than Previous Generations
Do young people today get a bad wrap over an idealisation of the past? Here are 7 ways the younger...
For The Ones Who Scroll Facebook But Never Post Anything
I see you there. You know who you are. The ones who scroll Facebook but never post anything themselves. When...