8 Ways To Not Suck at Time Management
Procrastinating, always feeling flat out, never enough hours in the day, running behind… here are 8 ways to not suck at...
6 Reasons We Don’t Say What We Mean
Where words and reality are two different things – here are 6 reasons we don’t say what we mean. I dunno...
I Can’t Compete With Myself
I can’t compete with myself. For those who know me, I can be quite an introspective little soul. I constantly...
6 Things I’m Grateful For In 2015
It’s been a year of highs and lows. With the arrival of 2016, here are 6 things I’m grateful for in...
When Your Heart Isn’t In It Anymore
You started out optimistic and full of life, but now your heart isn’t in it anymore. What do you do...
How We’re Doing Social Media Wrong
Getting the most Likes, Instagram models quitting social media, constantly comparing your life to someone else… I think we’re doing...
5 Lies We Tell Ourselves
Dishonesty can be super destructive, but it’s even worse when the one lying to me is the man in the mirror....
12 Life Defining Leadership Lessons
We all want to make a difference in people’s lives, but how do you truly influence and help others? Here...
I Wish I Wasn’t Afraid
You know what I wish sometimes? I wish I wasn’t afraid. Fear holds us back from so much in life....
What I’m Too Busy Really Means
They say busy is the new black, but are people as busy as they’re letting on? Here’s what I’m Too...
Burnt Out At Church
Pastor, leader, volunteer or even attendee – there seems to be an epidemic of people getting burnt out at church. I...