The High Cost of Ignoring Your Mental Health, And My Huge Regret
Ignoring your mental health is one of the most dangerous gambits anyone can make. Here’s my personal plea to take...
What If Staying Amazed Was Your Marriage’s Superpower?
Several years down the line, the best two words I’ve ever heard continue to be the key to joy in...
Who Do You Want To Be Now? – 2024 In Review
I made some of my biggest life decisions this year, but every decision had one question in common – who...
Sex, Breakups and Childlessness: Normalising Challenging Topics
When it comes to talking about sex, breakups and childlessness, awkwardness or pain often reign. Here’s a look at how...
The Importance of Reciprocity: Men Need To Feel Pursued Too
Boys are allowed to cry, we know teens need connection, but what happens regarding men as they get older? Here’s...
The Best Thing You Can Give Your Wife And Kids
Ready to invest in your wife’s joy and your family’s happiness? Here is the best thing you can give your...
You Missed The Main Point Of The Five Love Languages
Gary Chapman’s written phenomenon is criticised today by people who have missed the main point of the Five Love Langauges...
6 Shallow Dating Dealbreakers to Ditch for Deeper Love
“I’m not shallow, but…” – well, maybe you are. Here are 6 shallow dating dealbreakers that might be stopping something...
Crossing The Threshold Into Middle Age – 2023 In Review
There’s no denying the numbers anymore, but life’s prime comes with a whole lot of reality checks – this is...
6 Shows and Movies about Staying Together
Are the shows we watch really conditioning us to hook up and break up? Here are 6 shows and movies...
Marriage and Servant Hearted Sexuality
It’s not always what we do that matters the most, but how and why. Here’s why servant hearted sexuality matters....