You Can’t Refuse To Change And Stay Happily Married
I’ve learned that you can’t refuse to change and stay happily married. But change is much more easily said than...
It’s Easy To Be An Absentee Father, Be A Dad Who Stays
I’ve learned it’s really easy to become an absentee father, but if you can be a dad who stays, you...
7 Ways The Current Generation Isn’t Worse Than Previous Generations
Do young people today get a bad wrap over an idealisation of the past? Here are 7 ways the younger...
8 Things That Kill Your Marriage (If Left Unaddressed)
Could you be directly (or indirectly) ruining what could be great? Here are 8 things that kill your marriage… if...
10 Realistic Movies About Love (Well, Realistic-Ish)
Hollywood romances are super popular, but not always truthful depictions of what really happens in love. Here are 10 realistic...
Do You Really Want To Marry Your Best Friend?
Words can say one thing, but dating habits can say another – are you sure you really want to marry...
The Lonely Christian & 5 Ways to Make Meaningful Connections
Can’t find a date, a place to belong, or even a friend in and around church life. Here are 5...
How a Warped View of Forgiveness Enables Abuse and Destroys Lives
Christian teaching is big on forgiving, but have we missed something important? Here’s how a warped view of forgiveness enables...
Why Are Men So Immature? (Revisited)
You want him to be a man but he’s content to stay a child, or perhaps you feel like all...
6 Ways To Be A Terrible Husband
No man starts out wanting to be this way, but that’s sometimes where we end up. Here are 6 ways...
Was 2020 The Worst Year Ever? Sowing in Famine – 2020 In Review
It’s cool to hate on this year, but is 2020 the worst year ever? Here’s my annual review of the...