Analyzing Demi Lovato’s Heart Attack
“Puttin’ my defences up, cause I don’t wanna fall in love. If I ever did that…” – here’s a look...
Choosing Between Two Good Options
When you’re faced with equally good decisions, which path do you take? It can be pretty hard choosing between two...
Does Being In A Relationship Change You?
The accusation of many a friend – does being in a relationship change you? Few expressions annoy people more than...
5 Awkward Conversations with the Opposite Sex
Don’t know what to say? Don’t know how to say it? Here are five awkward conversations with the opposite...
6 Not-So-Funny Contradictions In Life
Don’t you hate it when someone acts like a hypocrite? Whether it’s them, you, or me, these are 6 not-so-funny contradictions in life....
5 Things That Don’t Actually Keep People Together
These things promise so much for our relationships, but offer so little in the long run. Here are some things...
7 Popular Movie Cliches About Love
The films we love have a whole lot to say on the topic of romance. Here are 7 popular movie cliches about...
Husbands, Love Your Wives
Men talk a lot about needing to feel respected, but how about we talk about what they’re supposed to do? Husbands,...
5 Things Divorce Has Taught Us About Marriage
Is there “A One” or “The One”? When are you ready? Better or worse? Divorce has taught us a lot...
Where Exactly Does Attraction Come From
Attracted to someone you shouldn’t be? Not attracted to someone you wish you were? Anywhere in between? Where exactly does...
Why We Can’t Commit
Whether it’s him, her, them, they, or even you – here’s why we can’t commit. Warning: This may contain some...