How a Warped View of Forgiveness Enables Abuse and Destroys Lives
Christian teaching is big on forgiving, but have we missed something important? Here’s how a warped view of forgiveness enables...
5 Ways Sex Scenes Ruin Your Love Life
Bridgerton, Normal People, 365 Days – popular shows on streaming services are getting big views for getting hot and heavy....
6 Ways To Be A Terrible Husband
No man starts out wanting to be this way, but that’s sometimes where we end up. Here are 6 ways...
10 Ways To Minimize Fights In Marriage and Love
When the relationship is at peace, it can be heaven on earth; when it’s not, it can be a living...
A Married Man’s Response to Cuties and #CancelNetflix
I really try to avoid hating on things, but with #CancelNetflix and Cuties trending like mad around this film and...
7 Dumb Reasons To Not Date Someone (Or To Break Up)
Are you being wise, particular, picky or just plain dumb? Here are 7 dumb reasons to not date someone or...
What Porn Teaches Us About Men
A lot of gents seem to really like it, but we don’t always think about the reasons why. Here’s what...
Celibacy Syndrome, Rejection, and Preferring Sex With A Screen
Japan is experiencing a phenomenon known as celibacy syndrome, but it isn’t the only country where people are preferring sex...
Is It Ever Okay to Cheat on Someone?
As time goes on, relationships get harder, and your heart becomes more unsure, is it ever okay to cheat on...
9 Obstacles to Sexual Utopia
Everyone wants a great sex life, but not everyone would describe their sex life as great. Here are 9 obstacles...
7 Things To Consider Before Throwing Your Relationship Away
When things don’t go the way you hoped, breaking it off with someone seems to be the most viable option....