Welcome to Walking The Shoreline – a blog about love, faith, relationships, and all the bigger issues of life. Come join the journey
Do The Right Thing Even If You Get The Wrong Result
There’s been a fairly simple, fairly underrated yet fairly profound encouragement echoing through my mind for the start of the year – do the right thing even if you get the wrong result. The Twenties are back, baby. I hope...
Children Are Not Their Parents: The Rise Of Skywalker Spoilers Review
Episode 9 in a sentence – children are not their parents. To say any more than that… well, spoilers. Here is my Rise Of Skywalker spoilers review. In case it wasn’t clear enough already, spoilers for The Rise of Skywalker...
When Will Christmas Be Happy?
One of the deepest questions of this season isn’t around presents, lights, carols or shops – it’s this: When will Christmas be happy? Christmas really is one of the most unique times of the year. I’m walking around Australian shops...
The Constant Struggle of Expectations vs. Reality – 2019 In Review
Through the ups and downs of the year, one thing is clear – 2019 has been a classic example of the constant struggle of expectations vs. reality. The end of the year is one of the most reflective times in...
What Porn Teaches Us About Men
A lot of gents seem to really like it, but we don’t always think about the reasons why. Here’s what porn teaches us about men. Mature written content warning. Share on Facebook Tweet Subscribe Save...
Why Men Need Purpose, Direction, and Income
“I want a man who’s unemployed, lazy and directionless”, said no woman ever. Here’s why men need purpose, direction, and yes – income. The last post I did was a response to a very popular ABC article about man drought...

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