Welcome to Walking The Shoreline – a blog about love, faith, relationships, and all the bigger issues of life. Come join the journey
Who Do You Want To Be Now? – 2024 In Review
I made some of my biggest life decisions this year, but every decision had one question in common – who do you want to be now? I’m choosing my future and the man I want to be. Here’s my 2024...
Do You Hate Social Media Because You Can’t Celebrate Others?
Is it the technology or is it the person using it? Here’s why I think people who hate social media expose a lack of ability in celebrating others. I know, I know. Sounds harsh. Sounds rough. Sounds hyperbole. But hear...
Sex, Breakups and Childlessness: Normalising Challenging Topics
When it comes to talking about sex, breakups and childlessness, awkwardness or pain often reign. Here’s a look at how we can normalise these. I’ve always liked “going there” with people. Talking about, reading about or opening up in-person or...
If You Died Early, What Would Your Kids Remember?
A Sydney tragedy and a family movie this year put forward a huge question to every parent – if you died early, what would your kids remember? There was an absolutely horrible tragedy that occurred in Sydney’s Carlton a few...
Fathers Need To Have Role Models, Not Just Be One
More important than a father being a role model is the reality that fathers need to have role models. Let me explain what I mean. Fathers Day is coming up at the time of writing this one and there are...
The Importance of Reciprocity: Men Need To Feel Pursued Too
Boys are allowed to cry, we know teens need connection, but what happens regarding men as they get older? Here’s why men need to feel pursued too. I’ve had this particular post sitting on the backburner for the last month...

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