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7 Reasons You’ve Gotta Just Do It

7 Reasons You’ve Gotta Just Do It

You’ve wasted enough of your life. Stop putting it off, making excuses, or avoiding it – it’s time to just do it. The start of the year is the time when most people receive the most call to action. Everyone...
A White Male Conservative’s Thoughts On Donald Trump

A White Male Conservative’s Thoughts On Donald Trump

I’m a white male conservative, making me one of the most hated combinations on the internet today. Here’s my thoughts on Donald Trump. It’s true. I’ve discovered recently thanks to the likes of Social Justice Warriors, Buzzfeed and MTV that...
8 Potential Reasons You’re Single for Valentine’s Day

8 Potential Reasons You’re Single for Valentine’s Day

February 14th is one of the most introspective and hated days of the year. Here’s why you might still be single for Valentine’s Day. I can always tell Valentine’s Day is approaching one of three ways. One – all the...
My Problem With “Jesus, Take The Wheel”

My Problem With “Jesus, Take The Wheel”

One of the most common expressions Christians use today, but not entirely Biblical or fruitful – here’s my problem with “Jesus, take the wheel”. I wrote a while ago about My Problem with Christian Conferences. It certainly generated a whole...
Uh Oh, Nintendo: 5 Reasons The Switch Isn’t Looking Great

Uh Oh, Nintendo: 5 Reasons The Switch Isn’t Looking Great

In amidst all the hype and people raving about it, I’ve just got to say it – The Nintendo Switch isn’t looking great. I’m a massive Nintendo mark. Have been for ages. I have a lot of their consoles and...
How Do You Move On?

How Do You Move On?

I think more of us would be doing it if we knew how – how do you move on? The past few days on Facebook a friend has been posting about her journey to recovery and healing in her life...

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