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7 Reasons Why I Value Women

7 Reasons Why I Value Women

It should never be about one gender without the other. Here are 7 reasons why I value women. If you follow me on Facebook, you will have seen two items of note recently. One is that I was recently featured...
Valentine’s Day 2016

Valentine’s Day 2016

The day of love means so many different things to so many different people. What does Valentine’s Day 2016 mean to you? Valentine’s Day is to love as Christmas is to family. At Christmas time, no matter where you may be, it’s...
7 Ways To Stop Feeling Lonely

7 Ways To Stop Feeling Lonely

Making connections that work can be a daunting experience as you get older. Here are 7 ways to stop feeling lonely. Sometimes it can be embarrassing to admit it, but a lot of us really struggle to make new friends...
6 Reasons We Don’t Say What We Mean

6 Reasons We Don’t Say What We Mean

Where words and reality are two different things – here are 6 reasons we don’t say what we mean. I dunno about you, but a word that has been really publicised lately has been the word regret. I was talking to...
10 Random TV Shows I Enjoyed Growing Up

10 Random TV Shows I Enjoyed Growing Up

And now for some hidden gems from our childhood – here are 10 random TV shows I enjoyed growing up. We all have those popular shows that we have fond memories of. I recently saw a topic which resurfaced the...
I Can’t Compete With Myself

I Can’t Compete With Myself

I can’t compete with myself. For those who know me, I can be quite an introspective little soul. I constantly find myself looking at my current behaviour, situations, thoughts, dreams… pretty much everything really. I usually find myself asking for...

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