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5 Lies We Tell Ourselves

5 Lies We Tell Ourselves

Dishonesty can be super destructive, but it’s even worse when the one lying to me is the man in the mirror. Here are 5 lies we tell ourselves. One of my favourite bands is going to be here in Brisbane in...
12 Life Defining Leadership Lessons

12 Life Defining Leadership Lessons

We all want to make a difference in people’s lives, but how do you truly influence and help others? Here are 12 of the most life defining leadership lessons in my life. So, you want to change the world. You...
6 Mixed Messages In Disney Movies

6 Mixed Messages In Disney Movies

Ah Disney, how could you lie to us about so many things? Here are 6 mixed messages in Disney movies. Have you ever gotten mixed messages from someone before? When I’m in work meetings and someone will be presenting something crucial, they’ll...
I Wish I Wasn’t Afraid

I Wish I Wasn’t Afraid

You know what I wish sometimes? I wish I wasn’t afraid. Fear holds us back from so much in life. This year has been a pretty amazing year for me. There’ve been so many big changes happen, and it’s a...
My 10 Favourite Games of All Time… More or Less

My 10 Favourite Games of All Time… More or Less

And now for something very near and dear to my heart – here are 10 of my favourite games of all time… give or take a few. I have a confession to make. A big one. Are you ready? I...
7 Reasons Why Atheism Makes No Sense To Me

7 Reasons Why Atheism Makes No Sense To Me

Religion is often dismissed as illogical and fairytale, but I find myself feeling that way about the secular alternative. Here are 7 reasons why atheism makes no sense to me. And no, you’re not going to find Pascal’s Gambit here. Share...

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