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One Guy’s Reaction to The Hunger Games Love Triangle

One Guy’s Reaction to The Hunger Games Love Triangle

Katniss Everdeen – strong, confident… and caught between two options. What’s up with the Hunger Games Love Triangle? I have a confession to make – the first Hunger Games movie didn’t grab me straight up like it did everyone else...
When You Feel Like A Dirty Backslider

When You Feel Like A Dirty Backslider

Been missing church? Feeling far away? Made a mistake and feeling judged by others? What do you do when you feel like a dirty backslider? Shame is one of the most powerful human experiences. It’s that very distinct feeling of...
3 Ways Your Corporate Job Can Change The World

3 Ways Your Corporate Job Can Change The World

Feel like you can’t make a difference while stuck working in an office? Think again. Your corporate job could change the world. When you think of world changing professions that make a difference in people’s lives, there’s usually a pretty...
7 Reasons You Hate Being Single

7 Reasons You Hate Being Single

Not in a relationship and hating it? Can’t stand all the pressure and hate everyone talking about it? Here are some reasons why many people hate being single.   Over the past weekend, I got to be a Master of Ceremonies at...
6 Overlooked Qualities In a Person You Should Date

6 Overlooked Qualities In a Person You Should Date

There are so many lists out there about the right qualities in a person you should date. But I think there are some being overlooked… I love seeing some of the articles that get shared around by the people I know...
8 More Ideas on How to Make Close Friends

8 More Ideas on How to Make Close Friends

Many of us are surrounded by people every day, and yet still feeling lonely and longing for someone we can really talk to. Here are some ideas on how to make close friends. The older I get, the more people I meet...

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