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6 Overlooked Qualities In a Person You Should Date

6 Overlooked Qualities In a Person You Should Date

There are so many lists out there about the right qualities in a person you should date. But I think there are some being overlooked… I love seeing some of the articles that get shared around by the people I know...
8 More Ideas on How to Make Close Friends

8 More Ideas on How to Make Close Friends

Many of us are surrounded by people every day, and yet still feeling lonely and longing for someone we can really talk to. Here are some ideas on how to make close friends. The older I get, the more people I meet...
Where Exactly Does Attraction Come From

Where Exactly Does Attraction Come From

Attracted to someone you shouldn’t be? Not attracted to someone you wish you were? Anywhere in between? Where exactly does attraction come from? The laws of attraction remain one of the biggest mysteries of relationships. What is it exactly that...
Why We Can’t Commit

Why We Can’t Commit

Whether it’s him, her, them, they, or even you – here’s why we can’t commit. Warning: This may contain some things you don’t want to hear. Share on Facebook Tweet Subscribe Save...
7 Ways to Encourage and Inspire Others

7 Ways to Encourage and Inspire Others

Ever wished you could encourage others the way others have encouraged you? Here are 7 ways to be a better encourager.   I’ve worked with teenagers for a number of years, primarily through an Australian organization known as Scripture Union...
10 Reasons Why You Ain’t Got No Time For That

10 Reasons Why You Ain’t Got No Time For That

Not enough hours in the day? Here are 10 reasons why you seem to have no time. So many of us struggle to find the time in the day to do all the things we’d like to do. Got to...

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