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Who You’re Supposed To Be

Who You’re Supposed To Be

Between the expectations of others and the expectations you place on yourself, just who exactly are you supposed to be? It’s amazing that even as a grown man or woman, you’d think you’d be more settled in life by now...
The Loneliness of Leadership

The Loneliness of Leadership

How can you be surrounded by people, and yet feel so alone? This one goes out to anyone who has faced the loneliness of leadership. There are a number of oxymorons in our world. A friend pointed out to me...
How To Speak To Men

How To Speak To Men

Husband, love interest, father, brother, son, or friend – here are some thoughts on how to speak to men. The most searched blog post on my site is a post I did quite a while ago called Why He Hasn’t...
Why We’re Always Tired

Why We’re Always Tired

Feel like you’re always running just above empty? You wouldn’t be the only one. Here’s why we’re always tired. Well, maybe a few potential reasons why anyway. Share on Facebook Tweet Subscribe Save...
Confessions of an Average Guy

Confessions of an Average Guy

There are things that we keep to ourselves and don’t always say out loud. Here are some of my confessions of an average guy. I think all of us to love to explore our issues through the lives of other...
Are Women Too Emotional

Are Women Too Emotional

Some guys would say that women can be too needy, high maintenance, or overbearing. Is it really true that women are too emotional? One of my favourite things to do is explore some of those longstanding and heavily repeated statements about...

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