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7 Underrated Attractive Qualities in a Woman

7 Underrated Attractive Qualities in a Woman

When it comes to attractive qualities in women, every list can be different. Here are 7 underrated qualities that a lot of men really value. Attraction can be a seemingly complex topic. Just what is it exactly what makes someone...
8 Things That Hinder Love In Our Lives

8 Things That Hinder Love In Our Lives

Love is amazing, but it’s not always that easy. Here are 8 things that can hinder the love in our lives. Keeping with the theme of Spring, let’s start by saying that love is quite literally the best thing ever...
Women and Submission – What Exactly Does It Mean

Women and Submission – What Exactly Does It Mean

When it comes to the topic of women and submission in marriage, few things bring up more angst and uncertainty. Just what exactly does submission mean? When I think of the word “submission”, a few things come to mind. I...
Who You’re Supposed To Be

Who You’re Supposed To Be

Between the expectations of others and the expectations you place on yourself, just who exactly are you supposed to be? It’s amazing that even as a grown man or woman, you’d think you’d be more settled in life by now...
The Loneliness of Leadership

The Loneliness of Leadership

How can you be surrounded by people, and yet feel so alone? This one goes out to anyone who has faced the loneliness of leadership. There are a number of oxymorons in our world. A friend pointed out to me...
How To Speak To Men

How To Speak To Men

Husband, love interest, father, brother, son, or friend – here are some thoughts on how to speak to men. The most searched blog post on my site is a post I did quite a while ago called Why He Hasn’t...

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