Welcome to Walking The Shoreline – a blog about love, faith, relationships, and all the bigger issues of life. Come join the journey
Confessions of an Average Guy
There are things that we keep to ourselves and don’t always say out loud. Here are some of my confessions of an average guy. I think all of us to love to explore our issues through the lives of other...
Are Women Too Emotional
Some guys would say that women can be too needy, high maintenance, or overbearing. Is it really true that women are too emotional? One of my favourite things to do is explore some of those longstanding and heavily repeated statements about...
How To Have a Good Conversation
Awkward tension, long pauses, and nothing to talk about? Here’s how to have a good conversation with just about anybody. The IT, engineering and science disciplines cop it a lot when it comes to being the subject of comedy. The...
6 Things That Could Ruin Your Future
We all have promises and dreams inside of us that we’d like to see come to life in our lives. Here are 6 things that could ruin your future. I love the naive optimism of kids. It can be painfully cute...
Why We Can’t Get Motivated
Study, work, career, health and fitness, family and friends – we all have things we want to do well at. Here is the reason why we just can’t get motivated. A lot of us struggle in the area of being...
7 Reasons Why Marriage Is Awesome
Marriage often gets a bad wrap, and it’s definitely not all cakes and rainbows. Here are 7 reasons why marriage is actually awesome. I’ve written various times before about the lowering number of people tying the knot. In fact, if...
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