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The Source and Impact of Sexual Fantasy

The Source and Impact of Sexual Fantasy

Male or female, young or old – what is the source and impact of sexual fantasy in your life? If you saw my last post, you’ll know I have recently been in Japan for a number of weeks. I really enjoyed the...
Silent Pain

Silent Pain

What is the pain that you keep to yourself? Did ya miss me? It’s been a little while, huh! That’s because I’ve been on holiday in Japan for the last 3 weeks, seeing pretty much all the sights. I went...
The Fear of Failure

The Fear of Failure

Why are we so afraid to fail? Here are some musings on our fear of failure. One of the things that all of us have in common is that we don’t want to get to the end of our lives...
An Open Letter to Tired Christian Leaders

An Open Letter to Tired Christian Leaders

Dear Christian Leader, The office of Christian leadership is one of incredible reward and incredible responsibility. It is a privilege to be able to serve one’s fellow man in ministry and all its various forms, but it is also at...
4 Reasons Why We Don’t Like Growing Up

4 Reasons Why We Don’t Like Growing Up

Immaturity in dating, nostalgia overload, the pursuit of everlasting youth, Peter Pan Syndrome, childish tendencies – why do we find growing up so hard? Whenever people ask what I do, I usually do a little routine. “I’m a programmer and...
The Truth Behind Selfies, No Make-Up and Beauty

The Truth Behind Selfies, No Make-Up and Beauty

Is there something deeper behind selfies and a lack of make-up? What are we really saying about beauty here? You probably would’ve seen that there is a pretty cool awareness campaign going on at the moment on different social media...

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