Welcome to Walking The Shoreline – a blog about love, faith, relationships, and all the bigger issues of life. Come join the journey
What Men Really Want
We all know that there is only one thing men are after. But maybe the definition of what men really want isn’t as obvious as the first thing that comes to mind. Adolescence is a pretty interesting time for people...
Does God Really Care
Does God really care? Epicurus, one of the founding fathers of modern atheism, is quite famous for coming up with a logical statement about the existence of God. Known as the Epicurean Paradox, it is still largely used today as...
Attack of the Friend Zone
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s the Friend Zone! So you’ve been hanging out for a while. You’re getting to know her. You’re spending time with him. Things are going pretty great. And you’re starting to wonder, hey...
7 Ways To Stop Being Indecisive
How do you stop being indecisive? It’s always difficult organizing a big group to go to a restaurant. Everyone has ideas on where they want to go, where they want to sit, who they want to sit next to. It...
Alone With Your Thoughts
What’s life like for you when you’re by yourself? How do you fare in those times when you’re feeling lonely or you’re facing your biggest dreams? Share on Facebook Tweet Subscribe Save...
Why He Hasn’t Asked You Out Yet
So… why hasn’t he asked you out yet? Who’s he? I’m not sure. It’ll either be that guy who you instantly thought of when you read that sentence, or maybe it’s just that you’d like someone to ask you out...

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