Welcome to Walking The Shoreline – a blog about love, faith, relationships, and all the bigger issues of life. Come join the journey
7 Ways The Current Generation Isn’t Worse Than Previous Generations
Do young people today get a bad wrap over an idealisation of the past? Here are 7 ways the younger people today aren’t worse than previous generations. If you know me, you know my wife and I absolutely love Gong...
Christmas Reminds You What You Wish Life Was Like
It’s the best and the worst part of the festive season – Christmas reminds you what you wish life was like. Well, here we are again. It’s Christmas season, the shops have been craaaaaaaaaazy this year, the Carols are blaring...
A Harvest of Great Joy – 2021 In Review
If 2020 was sowing in famine, 2021 was reaping a harvest of great joy. But joy isn’t always what it seems. Here’s my 2021 in Review. Can you believe another year has already come and gone? So many things have...
Recommending Dragon Ball GT: The Adventure Too Many Fans Missed
Bit by bit you’ll be falling under its spell – my attempt at recommending Dragon Ball GT to the fans who may have missed one of the best parts of the series. In a bit of a break from the...
8 Things That Kill Your Marriage (If Left Unaddressed)
Could you be directly (or indirectly) ruining what could be great? Here are 8 things that kill your marriage… if left unaddressed. John and Helen Burns rightly observed that a good marriage is the closest to heaven on earth you...
For The Ones Who Scroll Facebook But Never Post Anything
I see you there. You know who you are. The ones who scroll Facebook but never post anything themselves. When my wife and I announced we were dating on social media, I think the Internet broke. It’s very encouraging to...

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