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8 Things That Kill Your Marriage (If Left Unaddressed)

8 Things That Kill Your Marriage (If Left Unaddressed)

Could you be directly (or indirectly) ruining what could be great? Here are 8 things that kill your marriage… if left unaddressed. John and Helen Burns rightly observed that a good marriage is the closest to heaven on earth you...
For The Ones Who Scroll Facebook But Never Post Anything

For The Ones Who Scroll Facebook But Never Post Anything

I see you there. You know who you are. The ones who scroll Facebook but never post anything themselves. When my wife and I announced we were dating on social media, I think the Internet broke. It’s very encouraging to...
Why I Got Vaccinated Against COVID-19

Why I Got Vaccinated Against COVID-19

It seems even sex, politics, and religion have not inspired as much contention or division as this issue recently. Here’s why I got vaccinated against COVID-19. NB. These views are my own. It seems like just a short time ago...
6 Things That Can Distract You From Your Purpose

6 Things That Can Distract You From Your Purpose

There is no greater exhaustion than living dissatisfied. Here are 6 things that can distract you from your purpose. I think it’s quite well chronicled that burnout is a devastating state to live in. When you’ve overexerted yourself physically, emotionally...
6 Ways to Be More Outgoing (From A Legit Introvert)

6 Ways to Be More Outgoing (From A Legit Introvert)

Whether trying to build friendships, find a date, or make a difference, we all need to put ourselves out there. Here are 6 ways to be more outgoing, written by an introvert. Well it’s been a hot minute since my...
10 Realistic Movies About Love (Well, Realistic-Ish)

10 Realistic Movies About Love (Well, Realistic-Ish)

Hollywood romances are super popular, but not always truthful depictions of what really happens in love. Here are 10 realistic movies about love well, as realistic as Hollywood can be anyway. Love can be such a complicated and layered topic...

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